How To Have A Growth Spurt As An Adult



The one fact I know to be true about life is that GROWTH is constant. It may slow down but never stops. 

Remember being young, and you heard the adults say to you or your friends, "You must be having a "growth spurt." Growing up was something to be proud of, taken as a compliment. Can you imagine now if somebody said those same words to you as an adult? Nobody wants to hear the type of middle age growth spurt they are talking about!

Let's flip the switch on this statement! Growth should never stop. 


Early Roadblocks: A Fixed Mindset

As a kid in a private school of overachievers, I never felt smart. I thought of myself as dumb. School was boring to me. The desire to read books on history, math, and English waned as my poor grades continued to fuel my negativity towards learning. Only in PE did I feel confident in myself and my abilities. I loved playing and moving my body. But realistically, how far could this get me? 


In my first year of college, I truly FAILED OUT! 

I got a big fat F because I had a big fat FIXED MINDSET. If they had been grading me on my ability to party, check out of life, watch soap operas, and eat crap, I would have been on the dean's list.

This was my bottom. Hit it, and you have two choices: Stay there wallow in your pity party or grow up! I chose the latter. 

I didn't realize it at the time, but I was developing A GROWTH MINDSET. Was it easy? NO! But without these failures, I would not appreciate all the success in my life today.

Find What Fuels You

I found growth when I realized the passion for my body, and all its capabilities fueled my excitement for learning. Teaching aerobic classes and working at a health club forced me to get up early — 5 AM, to be exact. I could not go out and party the night before if I was to succeed. Not what most kids are doing in their early 20's.

But something started happening … Being around positive healthy people was rubbing off on me. I now call this my "circle of genius," surrounding myself with people who were lifting me up — those who believed in me. The endorphins from working out were my new drug of choice. A natural high that I wanted more of every day!

Eventually, I enrolled in a community college and proudly earned all A's. I then wanted more for myself and applied to The University of Michigan. The admissions office listened to my story and took a chance on me. Funny what happens when somebody believes in you! I wanted to learn; they offered me a degree in Kinesiology, the study of movement. OH BOY!! I was shocked! I loved going to my classes and learning. Who knew? 

Embrace a Growth Mindset

Fast forward 30 years as I now sit in my office writing. I am proud of what I have accomplished. One of my greatest achievements was building a studio that was a lighthouse of health and wellness for so many people in my community — a place where there was no judgment or negativity. When a client left Workout 32789 after a workout, she felt better than when she came in!

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I achieved this through continuing education, conferences, reading, writing, retreats, and investing in my coaches and mentors. I have never stopped learning.

My leaving Workout 32789 was not easy, but it was necessary. I had a growth spurt and needed to spread my wings. Personal development has helped me turn down the volume of the little voice between my two ears. The one that tells us we are not good enough. My mantra today is, "Why not me?”

Today ask yourself, Are you ready to have a "growth” spurt? I hope the answer is "YES!” If so, I would love to mentor and coach you.

Helping inspire, empower, and motivate you to achieve all your goals and dreams. 


P.S. This is a testimonial from a client who I am also proud to call my friend. She had a BIG GROWTH SPURT after attending The Amelia Women’s Empowerment Retreat. She did the work and now is reaping the benefits!

This was my first retreat in my life. I went in somewhat skeptical as I am not one to delve deeply. I did the work and was amazingly surprised by what I got out of it.

There are three areas in which I received Direction, clarity, and release. The first came from the guest speaker, Secily Wilson. It reaffirmed my belief in once again reaching out to an organization to tell my story. I had done it once before and the form would not submit. I did not follow up.

The second was the video “reading“ by Mitchell Osborne. There was at least one portion where I felt he was speaking directly to me. In a way, it gave me permission to let someone walk away from my life that was no longer healthy for me. I thought I was choosing the relationship that I wanted to have with her but this is Innoway gave me permission to take it a little further.

Finally, on the last morning of the retreat, we had a morning yoga session. During that session were asked to write down an intention for 2020 or write down something that we wanted to release into the atmosphere. I chose to do both! After we did this we put our papers in a biodegradable box to throw them to the ocean. Judi chose me to throw it into the ocean. After I did that, I felt a huge weight off of my shoulders. I had released fear.

My 2020 intention was to achieve peace. It did not happen that day but rather two days later. Just as I was going to sleep, I felt such a sense of peace envelop me. I have not been sleeping well for several months. I am happy to say that I am sleeping very well these days.

If you have an opportunity to go on one of Judi’s retreats, be open to it as you may walk away with so much more than then when you arrived.
— Tyler

Bess Auer