What My Clients Say:

I would like to say thank you to Judi for being such an amazing trainer and an even more inspiring individual. I have an abundance of energy again. I love the goals I have set professionally and personally, and if it wasn’t for her coaching I would not be in the physical (which leads to mental) setting to want to strive for more. This is such an amazing path and I am so happy to be experiencing this with such great women!
— Sirena

You have been an invisible support for me through the years without even knowing it. Your positive "can do" spirit prevented me from days of feeling low. You are my anti depressant. You shine bright in everything you do. You are a gardener of souls and fertilize so many of the people you touch . Your spirit reaches far and touches everyone and even things!

  • Netta

I cannot thank you enough for your constant support, guidance and encouragement. I am one blessed woman to have you in my life as coach and friend.
— Tish
Judi, you are a whole other level of accountability. You, my lady, are a great motivator and inspiration. I know you say we all are your inspiration, but you truly are a blessing. You are always so positive and share things that most wouldn’t have thought of, like weird workouts that look somewhat easy but kick your ass when your halfway through them! HA! I’m so grateful to have you along this journey
— MB
This weekend I was so fortunate to be a part of a retreat that was fun, challenging and encouraging. Was it easy - no - was it one of the best experiences ever - yes. When you reach deep down to connect with yourself and others it is work - but the best possible work. I have never ridden a horse on the beach, or kayaked down a wonderful intercostal stream. I have come home with new tools I have learned in this shared experience and new friends. I am amazed at Judi Warren Isaacson and the support and caring she gives to others. She is so inspiring, caring, and thoughtful. We were spoiled beyond belief. This weekend gave me tools to lead a better life for me and my family. Thank you❤️❤️
— Cherie
I will share that [Judi’s] coaching group kept me on my PLAN AND PROGRAM!   I am maintaining my weight which is PERFECT for me.   I am mastering the gliders which were a struggle for me.   I am feeling the burn in my core!   Regarding the super-bands — they are my best friends :)  Easy to travel with and work out anywhere.    I truly am feeling good physically, mentally and emotionally.   Judi, you are a true inspiration to us all. 
— Susan

“Coach Judi Isaacson's holistic approach, boundless energy, and unwavering support make her an invaluable asset to anyone's personal journey. It not only met but exceeded my expectations. I'm reaching each of my goals and consistently checking off each one. Whether you're striving for physical fitness, personal growth, or both, working with her will undoubtedly accelerate your progress and empower you to reach your fullest potential.- Secily Wilson